Training with Treats: Homemade Rewards for Obedient Pups

Training with Treats: Homemade Rewards for Obedient Pups

Using treats as rewards during training is one of the most effective ways to reinforce desired behaviors in dogs. The promise of a tasty tidbit helps focus your pup's attention and motivation to perform commands or tricks. While store-bought treats certainly work, homemade options provide extra benefits. Crafting your own doggie delights allows you to control the ingredients, catering to your pup's dietary needs and preferences. Homemade treats are also more affordable in the long run. With just a bit of time and effort, you can whip up nutritious, all-natural rewards your dog will love.

Benefits of Homemade Dog Treats

Feeding your pup homemade treats offers many advantages over store-bought options:

  • You control what goes into them. By making your own treats, you can avoid unwanted additives like artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives that are common in many commercial treats. You can choose wholesome, dog-safe ingredients tailored to your pup's nutritional needs.
  • They're customizable. Homemade treats allow you to cater to your dog's taste preferences, health issues, and size. You can add or omit ingredients to create recipes perfectly suited to your pup.
  • They're budget-friendly. Homemade treats are typically cheaper per treat compared to store-bought versions. Buying ingredients in bulk and making multiple batches at once helps drive down the costs even further.
  • You can monitor quality. When making treats at home, you know exactly what's going into them, allowing close monitoring of ingredient freshness and food safety.
  • They're bonding opportunities. Cooking tasty treats together deepens the bond between you and your dog. Your pup will be even more excited to train knowing you made their rewards yourself!






Choosing Ingredients for Homemade Dog Treats

When formulating homemade treat recipes, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Prioritize digestible whole foods. Look for simple, natural ingredients like sweet potatoes, pumpkin, bananas, yogurt, oats, etc.
  • Include one primary protein source. This provides essential amino acids. Lean meats, eggs, and dairy products are good options. 
  • Incorporate healthy fats. Fat promotes palatability and nutrient absorption. Use oils like coconut or olive oil.
  • Add fiber. Fiber aids digestion. Bran, psyllium husk powder, and pureed vegetables are great sources.
  • Skip seasoning. Onion, garlic, and other seasonings can be toxic to dogs. Rely on dog-safe flavors like peanut butter. 
  • Avoid sugar. Limit added sugars, as excess can cause obesity and tooth decay. Use natural sweeteners like ripe bananas, honey, or maple syrup instead.
  • Check for allergies. If your dog has food allergies, avoid those ingredients. Common triggers include wheat, corn, and dairy.

Making treats at home allows endless opportunities to create nutritious snacks tailored to your pup's needs and tastes. Follow basic recipe templates for biscuits, frozen treats, and more. Then get creative with mix-ins and flavors!

Homemade Peanut Butter & Banana Dog Treats

These tasty biscuits are packed with nutrition from whole food ingredients. Heart-healthy fats from peanut butter and bananas provide lasting energy for training sessions. The oats add soluble fiber for digestion and chewy texture dogs love. Feel free to substitute other nut butters or mashed fruits in place of the peanut butter and bananas.


  • 1 cup oats 
  • 1⁄2 cup peanut butter (or other nut/seed butter)
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • 1 egg


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  1. In a medium bowl, mix together oats, peanut butter, mashed banana, and egg until a stiff dough forms. If needed, add 1-2 tbsp water to help the dough come together.
  1. On a floured surface, roll dough out to 1⁄4 inch thickness. Cut into desired treat shapes using cookie cutters or a knife.
  1. Arrange treats on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes until lightly browned. 
  1. Cool completely before serving. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Make a batch on your next free afternoon for a handy training treat supply. The peanut butter and banana flavors make these biscuits irresistible to your pup. For extra excitement, mold treats into fun shapes like bones, fire hydrants, or your dog's name. Getting homemade rewards will have your dog eager to listen and learn new tricks!

Choosing the Right Training Treats 

With so many homemade treat options to choose from, how do you select the best varieties for training? Here are some factors to consider:


  • Treat size - Tiny pea-sized goodies are ideal for frequent rewards during a training session. Carrying a pouch of small bites ensures you can reinforce behaviors the moment they happen before your pup loses focus. Save larger treats for jackpot rewards after major successes.
  • Softness - Many dogs prefer softer treats that are easy to chew and swallow quickly. This prevents interrupting the flow of training. Homemade options like jerky tend to be more tender than mass-produced commercial treats.
  • Strong aroma - Smell is crucial for keeping your dog engaged. Baked treats like biscuits often have a more pronounced aroma than hard commercial treats. Pick recipes with aromatic ingredients like peanut butter, cheese, or pumpkin.
  • Palatability - If your pup turns his nose up at a homemade treat recipe, try a different combination of irresistible flavors. Every dog has unique taste preferences. Testing different recipes helps determine your dog's favorites. 
  • Allergies/health issues - Rule out recipes with problematic ingredients for dogs with allergies, diabetes, or other conditions. Talk to your vet about appropriate treat options.
  • Motivating flavors - Some dogs go crazy for certain flavors like bacon, liver, cheese or hot dogs. Use these powerful flavors sparingly for ultra-motivating treats.

With homemade treats, you can cater to your individual dog's preferences for training. Pay attention to which treats your pup responds best to and offer more of those during important training sessions.

Tips for Using Treats Effectively in Training

Treats serve as reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors during training. Follow these tips for maximizing their effectiveness:

  • Break treats into small pieces so you can reward frequently without overfeeding. 
  • Vary the treats used in a session to prevent boredom. Offer a selection of different homemade options.
  • Reward successes immediately after the desired response. This strengthens the association between action and reward.
  • Wean off treats gradually once your dog reliably performs the behavior. Use intermittent reinforcement to maintain consistency. 
  • Use excited verbal praise along with treats to reinforce the desired response.
  • Eliminate extra cues like gestures when rewarding so your pup associates just the verbal command with the behavior. 
  • Don't give treats for incorrect responses to avoid reinforcing bad habits. Simply repeat the verbal cue and guide your dog into proper positioning if needed.
  • Store treats out of sight during training to prevent distraction. Keep a small portion in a treat pouch for easy access when rewarding.

Following proper technique ensures treats enhance, rather than hinder, training. With patience and consistency, homemade rewards can motivate your dog to master even complex behaviors.

Making Training a Positive Experience

Using homemade treats helps make training an enjoyable experience for both you and your dog.

Follow these tips for keeping sessions positive:

  • Train in short 5-10 minute bursts to prevent boredom and maintain engagement. Gradually build up session length as your dog's focus improves.
  • Incorporate play breaks to refresh your pup's energy and motivation. Bring out a favorite toy for a quick game of fetch or tug.
  • Train before meals when your dog is alert and hungry for treats. Hungry dogs are more food-motivated.
  • End on a high note after a success. Don't prolong sessions until your dog starts losing interest.
  • Use an upbeat tone of voice and ample praise to get your pup excited to train. Dogs feed off your energy.
  • Train in areas with minimal distractions to start. Exposure to distracting stimuli can come later once responses are reliable. 
  • Avoid drilling the same command excessively. Switch between a variety of behaviors to keep sessions engaging.
  • Don't train when frustrated. Your pup will pick up on negative emotions, undermining progress.

With a positive approach and the enticement of tasty homemade treats, you can transform training from a chore into quality bonding time with your dog. He'll be eager to start each session!

Troubleshooting Common Training Issues with Treats

While treats are invaluable training tools, they can also contribute to problems if not used properly.

Here are some common treat-related difficulties and how to resolve them:

  • Lack of motivation - Some dogs lose interest in treats, especially if overfed before sessions. Stick to tiny treat portions and experiment with more exciting food rewards. Up the reward value by offering favorite treats only during training.
  • Poor focus - Getting sidetracked or ignoring cues often results from too many treats. Restrict treats to reinforce direct commands only. Use real-life rewards like throwing a ball for good listening. 
  • Begging - Constantly begging for treats makes training difficult. Teach a "leave it" cue for times when treats aren't appropriate. Ignore begging and reward only for obeying commands. 
  • Aggression over treats - Handing a treat to an aggressive/dominant dog can trigger resource guarding. Instead, toss treats away from you so your dog moves away before consuming.
  • Obesity - Too many high-calorie treats lead to weight gain, which negatively impacts joints and energy levels. Count treats as part of your dog's daily diet and adjust food portions accordingly.  
  • Diarrhea - Some ingredients may irritate your dog's stomach, especially if introduced too quickly. Transition to new treats slowly by mixing small amounts with old favorites.

Paying attention to how your individual dog responds to different training treats helps you identify and resolve any issues that arise.

Final Thoughts

Homemade dog treats provide the perfect training rewards for strengthening your bond with your pup. Your dog will be even more excited to train knowing you made their rewards yourself!

Training sessions are also wonderful opportunities for relationship building. Maintaining a fun, positive approach builds your dog's confidence and eagerness to work with you. With regular short sessions fueled by tasty homemade treats, you'll continue strengthening the bond with your loyal companion while instilling good manners. So get cooking and get ready to train!

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